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Jacob Koopman Shows us how he does it on Grafton Street Cover uncut of Fast Cars
Fast Car (Tracy Chapman) Jacob Koopman Cover
Jacob Koopman puts on a show for the Grafton Street crowd!
Tracy Chapman (Fast Car) cover by Jacob Koopman.
Blackbird/Fast Car/With or Without You (Jacob Koopman Cover)
DUETTING with the TALENTED @dessavanuci
Allie Sherlock vs Jacob Koopman- Who is a BETTER singer and performer ?
Jacob Koopman Cover Let Her Go Live from Grafton Street Dublin Amazing
Jacob Koopman & Paul Jenkinson have a quick jam together on Grafton Street.
Jacob Koopman & Scott Carey Live Cover of Perfect Grafton Street
Jacob Koopman, Paul Jenkinson & Padraig Cahill with Pompeii (Bastille)